
Performance, health and entertainment, all with mobile apps. Innovations in the field of sport boost athletes’ performance, but they can also improve everyone’s lives.

With such growth, it’s no wonder that fitness technologies have grown exponentially. Taking advantage of recent technologies is a definite advantage. But to stay ahead of the curve. You need to define the technology trends that have better development prospects and offer the best profitability.

Like all sports, basketball is constantly evolving, and you can use the technology in the service of basketball.

Although relatively new to the analysis of athletic performance, there is certainly a wave of changes coming to basketball, and many athletes and fans are preparing to be trained there. Along with the rise of analytics, a new wave of technology has been designed to measure, analyze and improve performance at a level never before seen in professional sports.

So, if you want to expand your knowledge, here are the four fastest growing trends in the fitness industry:

1. Booking online courses with Mobile Apps

Online course booking software offers unparalleled ease of use. That’s why programming software is expected to reach a value of more than $360 million by 2024. This software allows members to register quickly on the Internet, and instructors or managers can easily follow the progress of registrations. Plus, writing for online courses doesn’t require email or phone calls, freeing up time for your staff.

In addition, booking a course online avoids overcrowded classes. No instructor likes to teach in a crowded classroom: online registration means they no longer have to worry about it. Similarly, members can easily cancel their roster, which significantly simplifies the cancellation procedure, both for the team and members.

2. E-learning services with Mobile Apps

Since social distancing was introduced, 16% of adults report watching more fitness videos online. Online coaching and virtual training have become fundamental elements of the fitness industry. Many clubs currently use mobile apps and built-in technologies to liaise between members and instructors. Countless apps simulate personal trainers on smartphones, which can help achieve personal fitness goals without paying a private coach.

Tools like Endomondo make sports training more accessible to millions of people. With the growing popularity of sports apps, digital coaching services have emerged as a new dominant market in the fitness industry. You should note that this growth of the virtual training sector is still in its infancy.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, online training services will continue to grow exponentially. At present, online training seems to be the most lucrative and safest platform to offer one’s coaching services and will remain. So, at least for the foreseeable future.

3. Mobile applications

The latest emerging technology to mention: mobile apps. Today, health and fitness apps hold about 3% of the Google and Apple App Stores’ market share. With the increasing use of smartphones, it’s no wonder that mobile fitness apps have seen the most significant growth in fitness technology.

Smartphone users use their phones for everything, especially fitness. However, the most surprising thing is that fitness apps are projected to grow by more than 7.6% compared to other mobile apps between 2017 and 2022. The difference is staggering! Mobile apps are great tools that club owners can use to strengthen customer bonding and increase enrollment in online classes. Thus providing a better fitness experience.

The advantage of a mobile app is that it can easily combine the numbers one and three on this list into a single technological solution. Thanks to a well-designed application, members can register and view upcoming courses from their smartphone and enjoy all the available virtual workouts.

It could be a powerful tool for trainers, who can use the app to track participants’ training history and overall progress. Even when they are not in session. With tracking data, coaches can advise personalized workouts to support members’ motivation and help them achieve their goals beyond the club grounds.